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Information and documents
on Buraku Discrimination

Recommendations on Human Rights Policies  and the Enactment of Human Rights Ordinance in Fukuyama City

Fukuyama City Expert Team on Human Rights Policies (2021)

Buraku Liberation News

This is the link to a webpage provided by Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute. Incase of inquiry, please contact IMADR.

Sayama Case

This is the link to a webpage on Sayama Case provided by IMADR

IMADR Press Release

IMADR Press Release "Japan has enacted the act to promote the elimination of Buraku discrimination"(2016)


Buraku Discrimination and I 
Written by Shigeyuki Kumisaka, Chairperson of IMADR

Questionnaire to Non-Governmental Organizations on Discrimination based on Work and Descent

ーBuraku Discriminationー


The Role of the Buraku Liberation League in Building a World without Discrimination

Tomonaga Kenzo (Director, BLHRRI) (2010)

Answersto the Questionsof Dien Special Rapporteuron Racism
Buraku Problems

Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute (2005)

Buraku discrimination: ファイル

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